Follow the instructions. You can also download the pdf file here.
Each participant needs his/her own display board.*
The display Board: The Board should be 1.2m high x 2.4m wide x 3mm thick. We suggest plastic Coruboard obtainable from Maizey Plastics (George at 012-352-2000). The best option might be that the the school buy it for their participants so that the school can re-use the boards every year.
Cutting the Board: Each participant has strictly only 1,4 m space available and the Board should be cut to fit this space: 50cm from each end of the width, cut the plastic only halfway through the thickness so that a flap form on both ends. Be careful! Only cut halfway through the plastic (score it) and bend it to the uncut side to form the flap. Use a straight edge and sharp art knife/Stanley knife for this. You will now have a small cubicle 1.2m high and 1.4 wide with 2 flaps of 0.5m each on both sides.
Please bring your own electric multi-adapter (if you need it for your project) and a tablecloth.